Read It And Weap

I've got to spill my fucking guts somewhere,
it might as well be here.

If I Die Young

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song. ♥

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Take Me Back -

I swear, I miss the stupidest things.
I miss my hair being longer than everyone else's.
I miss my mom's red van.
I miss baking cakes at Jared's house.
I miss running around French Lick.
I miss having random conversations with James.
I miss having mud fights with Taylor.
I miss Tylor singing to me in the driveway.
I miss having parties at my old house.
I miss hanging out with Mikey at Wal*Mart.
I miss my brother's ex girlfriend.
I miss hating Michigan.
I miss paying people to take me to Owensboro.
I miss going to the mall, just to see boys.
I miss my grandma's dogs.
I miss being happy.
I miss having sleepovers with Taylor, Paige, & Mariah.
I miss eighth grade.
I miss burning my cloth bras.
I miss writing in a journal everyday.
I miss going to Katie's house.
I miss my parents tucking me in at night.
I miss feeling confident.
I miss going to Goodwill.
I miss living out in the boonies.
I miss all the people who hate me.
I miss jumping on my bed.
I miss being able to stay up all night.
I miss Chris calling himself my "big brother."
I miss watching That 70's Show, even though I hate it.
I miss sitting in my grandma's rocking chair.
I miss laying in the road, looking at stars.
I miss having something to do every day of the week.
I miss all the people who don't miss me.
I miss living in Michigan.
I miss being in a relationship.
I miss going to Irby's.
I miss breaking cell phones.
I miss Jacob telling his parents I was a hooker.
I miss being able to write halfways decent.
I miss having pink bangs.
I miss Jessica Marcum giving me piggyback rides.
I miss not fighting with my parents 24/7.
I miss my big brother living at home.
I miss having an accent.
I miss the way my little brother used to look up to me.
I miss running through the corn fields.
I miss Shine or Shade.
I miss swimming.
I miss texting David Hooker.
I miss being obsessed with High School Musical.
I miss going shopping with my mom.
I miss being Katie's Purple Airplane (PA).
I miss texting strange people.
I miss cold purple.
I miss Tell City times.
I miss talking to Wesley all night.
I miss having cool socks.
I miss "The Party Cup Of Fun".
I miss double dates with Katie, Seth, & Brodie.
I miss doing well in school, & not even having to try.
I miss walking around the track for Wellness.
I miss having eight periods during school.
I miss thinking high school was scary.
I miss calling Dylan Miller "Big Kid".
I miss...the stupidest things.

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