Read It And Weap

I've got to spill my fucking guts somewhere,
it might as well be here.

If I Die Young

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song. ♥

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hidden Beneath That Smile

Eyes filled with tears,
a heart full of pain,
her life slowly coming to a strain.

Dark, gloomy clouds cast over her sky,
she cannot speak, only cry.
All her dreams are gone in the blink of an eye,
but she's not ready to say goodbye.

Everyone assumes, but nobody knows,
what happens when they're gone, her world starts to close.
She barely eats, & rarely sleeps,
she's grown good at not spilling the secrets she keeps.

He plays with her heart & messes with her head,
why does she cry & wish herself dead?
Things won't get better, nor will they change,
she'll just be one step closer to slitting her veins.

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