Read It And Weap

I've got to spill my fucking guts somewhere,
it might as well be here.

If I Die Young

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song. ♥

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I believe we write our own stories
and each time we think we know the end - we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, the world of chance, and in peace which comes from knowing you just can't know it all. I've come to realize life's funny that way, once you let go of the wheel, you might just end up exactly where you belong.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Love You, With No End.

As the days pass by,
I begin to miss you more.
You are my one and only,
the one who I adore.

There's a sparkle in your eyes,
a softness in your touch.
I hate it when you're gone,
for I miss you so very much.

The way you kiss my lips
and gently stroke my cheek,
it makes me stomach do flips,
it makes my knees weak.

With you is where I belong,
I've found this much is true.
For I only feel like me,
when I am lying next to you.

You make me extremely happy,
you fill my life with joy.
You aren't just a person,
you are my baby boy. ♥

Friday, August 20, 2010

YOU are certainly one of the people. <3

Secret #1

Sometimes, I do enjoy pissing you off.


Both of these photos made me giggle.
Hopefully they'll make your day a littler brighter. :3
Things are so much better when you're actually around.
I may not know a lot of things,
and yeah, I'm confused about nearly every aspect of my life,
but one thing I know for sure is the only time I'm truly happy is when I'm talking to you. <3

Close Your Eyes.

Some things are better left unseen,
that's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, & dream.

Stand In The Rain.

So stand in the rain, stand your ground,
stand up when it's all crashing down.
You stand through the pain, you won't drown,
and one day, what's lost can be found;
You stand in the rain.
Time sucks when moments are meant to last forever. <3


In all honesty, you appear to be a total slut.
Sleeping with men you don't know and cheating on every boyfriend you get -
honey, you've got "skank" written all over you.
Too bad it wasn't enough.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Care To Giggle?

"If girls with big boobs work at Hooters,
where do girls with one leg work?"



I cannot fucking wait for this movie to come out!
It's going to be amazing. :3

August 27th! :D

You've Never Been There.

Everything's different, nothing's the same.
We always fight, you always complain.
Point out my flaws and where I'm not strong.
You make me feel like I do not belong.
It shouldn't be like this, I shouldn't hate you.
It's so hard when I can't stand you, nor what you do.
You're not there for me when I need you to be,
You don't care what I feel, you don't care what I see.
Some parent you are to act the way you do,
To treat me like shit, to put me all that I've been through.
Where were you when everything came crashing down?
You weren't there to pick me up, because you weren't even around.
You never ask me how I'm doing, nor what's going on in my life,
For you do nothing for me, not even offer advice.
It's terrible to think that in a few short years, I'm leave,
Going far away from here.
And in the time that I've been on this earth,
You know little about me, and all that I'm worth.
You're supposed to be helpful, caring and kind,
But honestly, you're nothing, that's what I've come to find.

You'll Always Be My Favorite.

No matter where life takes us, I'll always carry you with me,
for you are my favorite creation, and the love of my life. <3

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

As Long As You Love Me.

Let's prove that a couple of miles don't mean anything. <3

I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did, as long as you love me.
Who you are, where you're from, what you did, as long as you love me.

Go back to your damn coloring books!

Online coloring books?
This is fucking hilarious, and you KNOW it. :D

Justin Bieber.

Seriously, when the fuck is this kid going to hit puberty?!
Dear JB, Your squeaky, high-pitched voice makes me want to punch babies! D:

12:32AM, 8/17/10.

Bitch, I'm fucking tired as hell.
I haven't wrote anything interesting in the last twenty-four hours, sorry!
But I am hitting the fucking sheets, brah.

Monday, August 16, 2010

8/16/10 -

school was a complete fucking drag.
I'm swamped with an overwhelming amount of homework, it's ridiculous.
Today was only the fourth day back to school, and I'm already stressed.
I'm really not looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning,
and going through all of this shit, yet again.
Urgh, hopefully things get better soon. |:
But I am a fan of the way you make me feel,
and the happiness you give me.
I am a fan of the butterflies you put in my tummy,
and the smile you paint on my face.
I am a fan of the way you've changed my life,
and given me something to live for. <333
Kiss me in the rain. <3
Me, I'm waiting for you to see how absolutely perfect we could be together. <3

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Your strange sense of humor.
Your big, beautiful eyes.
Your soft hair.
Your amazing kisses.
Your warmth.
Your extreme intelligence.
Your ability to put up with me on a daily basis.
Your perverse mind.
Your mischevious smile.
The way you pick on me.
The random conversations we have.
The way you snore.
The awkward noises you make.
The burning touch of your fingertips against my skin.
How you know what's on my mind, before I even tell you.
Every single aspect of your being. <3

Your Love, Is My Drug

We're all addicted to something that makes us feel better.
Something that makes us happy when nothing else can.
For me, you are that addiction, you are my favorite drug.
(but you)

To My Chem. A Homework

     Dear homework, you are not attractive and I am not doing you. [:
                                       -Love Brandi

I Love Ya'll.

Being strong is important,
but knowing who you can count on is equally important. <3

Take Me Back -

I swear, I miss the stupidest things.
I miss my hair being longer than everyone else's.
I miss my mom's red van.
I miss baking cakes at Jared's house.
I miss running around French Lick.
I miss having random conversations with James.
I miss having mud fights with Taylor.
I miss Tylor singing to me in the driveway.
I miss having parties at my old house.
I miss hanging out with Mikey at Wal*Mart.
I miss my brother's ex girlfriend.
I miss hating Michigan.
I miss paying people to take me to Owensboro.
I miss going to the mall, just to see boys.
I miss my grandma's dogs.
I miss being happy.
I miss having sleepovers with Taylor, Paige, & Mariah.
I miss eighth grade.
I miss burning my cloth bras.
I miss writing in a journal everyday.
I miss going to Katie's house.
I miss my parents tucking me in at night.
I miss feeling confident.
I miss going to Goodwill.
I miss living out in the boonies.
I miss all the people who hate me.
I miss jumping on my bed.
I miss being able to stay up all night.
I miss Chris calling himself my "big brother."
I miss watching That 70's Show, even though I hate it.
I miss sitting in my grandma's rocking chair.
I miss laying in the road, looking at stars.
I miss having something to do every day of the week.
I miss all the people who don't miss me.
I miss living in Michigan.
I miss being in a relationship.
I miss going to Irby's.
I miss breaking cell phones.
I miss Jacob telling his parents I was a hooker.
I miss being able to write halfways decent.
I miss having pink bangs.
I miss Jessica Marcum giving me piggyback rides.
I miss not fighting with my parents 24/7.
I miss my big brother living at home.
I miss having an accent.
I miss the way my little brother used to look up to me.
I miss running through the corn fields.
I miss Shine or Shade.
I miss swimming.
I miss texting David Hooker.
I miss being obsessed with High School Musical.
I miss going shopping with my mom.
I miss being Katie's Purple Airplane (PA).
I miss texting strange people.
I miss cold purple.
I miss Tell City times.
I miss talking to Wesley all night.
I miss having cool socks.
I miss "The Party Cup Of Fun".
I miss double dates with Katie, Seth, & Brodie.
I miss doing well in school, & not even having to try.
I miss walking around the track for Wellness.
I miss having eight periods during school.
I miss thinking high school was scary.
I miss calling Dylan Miller "Big Kid".
I miss...the stupidest things.

This Isn't See You Later, This Is Goodbye.

Part of me is glad you're gone,
while at times I miss you.
Even though you broke me,
and after all you put me through.
I shouldn't care about you at all,
yet I still find myself wishing you would call.
I've got a new guy, and he's beyond great.
But I still feel that empty space.
Nothing quite fills that hole in my heart,
or the memories in my brain.
I've never experienced this type of pain.
Sometimes I ponder why I fell so hard,
you never seemed to care,
and when I needed you most you weren't there.
Honestly, I don't want you back,
because I know my heart wouldn't be able to handle that.

I Think About You Every Day

Everyday I wait for you to call, you never do.
You let me down, you broke my heart, you lied, and torn my apart.
Somtimes I miss you, I'll admit, but I've grown sick of all your shit.
You never loved me, I was just a fling.
I want something more, I want the real thing.
You don't know what you want, you change your mind all the time.
You don't even have a decent state of mind.
Your feelings are scattered, your brain's a mess,
I used to think you were the best.
I swore you'd be the one, what we had would last.
I never knew you'd be the biggest regret of my past.
How did everyone see it, yet I was so blind?
Why do you continue to cross my mind?

I'm Done Missing You

And I'm still here, so I walk around.
Not sure of why I let you bring me down.
You broke my heart, and stole my dreams;
when you left, you took everything.
Now you're blowing up my phone with texts and calls,
I don't know how to think at all.
Where do I go? What do I do?
I don't belong here, neither do you.
This has to end, you've got to stop;
grow up and figure out what you want.
Don't lie to me, don't say you've changed,
you and your ways are still the same.
So go ahead, leave this town,
I'm begging you not to come around.
I don't know what I want, but it isn't you,
you can't love me, nor be true.
This is it, we've reach our end,
I'm tired of hiding and trying to pretend.
Nothing's the way is used to be,
so do us both a favor, go on; leave.

You Are Your Enemy

Scream me a love song,
make my ears bleed.
Scream me a love song,
and promise not to leave.
Make me need you,
then tare me apart,
tell me you love me,
then break my heart.
Fuck with my head,
play with my mind,
leave me questioning life,
and wanting to die.
Leave me kicking and screaming,
crying and bleeding.
Make me resort to things I've never done,
leave me afraid of myself and who I've become.

This Goodbye Is Forever

Heartbreak starts to kick in,
she falls to her knees,
crying her heart out,
begging him please,
to stay with her,
to take things back to the way they were.
It's the moment of truth,
she's letting him know,
that she loves him,
she can't let go.
He heart is breaking,
her whole world shaking,
about to come crashing down,
for the silence says more than anything,
even the loudest sound.

Sex & White Lies

Confusion clutters her head,
shame fills her heart,
that boy tore her to pieces,
that boy ripped her apart.
Tears stream down her face,
blood flows from her arm,
that boy fucked her up,
that boy caused so much harm.
He filled her head with such sweet lies,
only to leave her broken,
and wanting to die.
The words he said chew at her brain,
she clings to them,
she's going insane.
He lied to her,
and used her for sex,
what made her think she was different than the rest?

A Part of Me Is With You

Even though you're gone, I can still feel you here,
playing with my hair, whispering in my ear.
I still feel your gentle touch,
your lips pressing against mine,
it isn't every once in a while,
baby, it's all the time.

I can see your beautiful blue eyes,
the contagious smile on your face,
you move with such perfection,
you move with such grace.

Your crisp blonde hair blows in the wind,
& I fall for the sweetheart that lies within.
You hold me close, I'm feeling safe & snug,
now you're filling my head with your artifical love.

So how does it feel to know you have the power to break me,
make my world come crashing down?
You let your fingers dance upon my skin,
& I can't even make a sound.

My heartbeat speeds up & it becomes perfectly clear,
that you don't love me & I don't belong here.

No Longer -

No longer will I cry,
No longer will I want to die.
No longer will I wait around,
No longer will you knock me down.
No longer will I have pain inside,
No longer will you steal my pride.
No longer will I believe your lies,
or dream of you when I close my eyes.

No longer will it break my heart,
No longer will you tear me apart.
No longer will you come around,
No longer will I get let down.
No longer will I want you,
or wonder if you want me too.
No longer will my friends be scared,
No longer am I unprepared.
No longer will they worry and fret,
No longer will I feel regret.

This is it, this is the end,
If you asked me how I felt,
I wouldn't not how to begin.
I'm letting go off all this shit,
I'm brushing it off, trying to forget.
You don't have to come around,
you don't have to make a sound.
I'm done this time, I swear it's true,
I'm realizing now, I never needed you.


NOTE TO SELF: moving on is a lot easier said, than done.

You told her you loved her,
but I think you lied.
Heartbreak's not enough to kill you,
but to make you want to die.
She stands here crying,
cold & alone.
All she wants is to be happy,
all she wants is to go home.
Trapped in the dark,
scared & out of breath,
she knows that it's wrong,
but she wishes herself daeth.
The alcohol doesn't help,
it only numbs the pain.
Then leads her back to thinking
of all the things he made her gain.
The razor under her bed
screams to be used,
for she thinks she deserves this,
deserves to be abused.
Not yet has depression led her to scared arms,
but a simply "I love you" causes much more harm.
She clings to her friends,
for they're all she has,
she has to keep moving,
never looking back.

Hidden Beneath That Smile

Eyes filled with tears,
a heart full of pain,
her life slowly coming to a strain.

Dark, gloomy clouds cast over her sky,
she cannot speak, only cry.
All her dreams are gone in the blink of an eye,
but she's not ready to say goodbye.

Everyone assumes, but nobody knows,
what happens when they're gone, her world starts to close.
She barely eats, & rarely sleeps,
she's grown good at not spilling the secrets she keeps.

He plays with her heart & messes with her head,
why does she cry & wish herself dead?
Things won't get better, nor will they change,
she'll just be one step closer to slitting her veins.


As she sits in class & stares at the wall,
she's realizing now that she lost it all.
All she wanted was for him to see
he was all she'd ever need.
She tried so hard,
gave that boy so much.
Just a stupid girl, who fell in love.

She knew from the very start they wouldn't last,
still she handed him her heart, fragile like glass.
She misses the way things used to be,
she thought that was all she'd ever need.
Smiles & joy are gone with the wind,
& even though she shouldn't, she still loves him.
Wishing to be in his warm embrace,
or looking up at his smiling face.

As each day passes
that hole in her chest, it expands more & more
& she becomes depressed.
The tears fall like rain from the sky,
and she wonders why his love for her left his eyes.

When did he stop loving her?
When did he move on?
Dose he ever miss her now that she's gone?

City of Love

City of love, state of wishes. Here's 22 hugs, 11 kisses. Written in ink, sealed with a kiss, if you love me, then answer this: If you want me, then why not stay? I'm tired of all the games you play. I want to be happy with you by my side. So I'm giving this one last try. One more time you'll get a new start, one more chance to break my heart. I'll put myself through total hell, if that's what it takes to keep me well. Tears will fall down my face, & our relationship won't be at a steady pace. I fear i'll lose you, once again & that's why it's so tough for me to let you in. My love for you has never changed, even when you cause me pain. No matter what I will stay, cause I don't want to go away. I've loved you from the very start. Baby please, don't break my heart. <3


"I want the horny one.
I want the honry one.
Not just anyone, I want the horny one!

Let's get horny,
let's get horny,
let's get horny,

I want the horny one.
I want the honry one.
Not just anyone, I want the horny one!


-Wesley & I wrote that beautiful song. (:


Boys are cheats and liars, they're such a big disgrace. They will tell you anything to get to second base...ball, baseball he thinks he's gonna score. If you let him go all the way then you are a hor...ticulture studies flowers, geologist studies rocks. The only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his cock... roaches, beetles, butterflies and bugs. Nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jug... glers and acrobats, a dancing bear named Chuck. All guys really want to do is... forget it, no such luck.


If Bob the Builder were a dragon would he blow fire out his nose?
No, probably not because he'd be too busy making music videos with Taylor Swift. I believe that he was born in Ohio, in a town called Lima. In a boat that did not have any wheels. Only he didn't have a mother. This is because he came from a tree. He kissed the pope who was a dope. Bob slept in a tiny box with a woodern cross that his pappy had stolen from Alaska back in 1832. He never took a bath for fear that he might be ate by a toaster. He laughed so hard that he fell down the stairs...that didn't exist. He hated canned foods, therefore soup was never an option. He could have lived with a pack of wolves if the asked him. He was not a Jew, although he ate mostly grain products. Baby dolls were his most favorite toy. He always dipped them in cheese sauce. He had a room made of lego's where everything "went down." He had a chicken named Ching Choy who lived in a special dress up room. One day a skunk ate Bob's neck. So he slapped him in the face with his big toe. Bob lived like a zombie. He hated rap music & only ate tacos at 7:01 AM on Tuesdays. He never wanted to roll with Frank. Who was green & naked. Bob always wore lampshades on his head & high heels on his feet. Even if he wasn't going to a party. He never wanted to do yoga. Strip poker was his favorite game to play. Mother nature ment nothing to him. He claimed to be a swagger, who had major majo. Paper plates were what he slept on. He always lit a candle before milking his duck. He voted for Obama to be president & was a big fan of Michael Jackson. He didn't believe in televison & therefore didn't understand what MTV was. Bob always told people that they were "the weakest link." He didn't know how to count to ten in Spanish, but then again who does. Quite often he wrote stories about beavers & slices of bread that didn't contain crust. His music dreams faded by the age of 99. He didn't think he was on a boat mother fucker. He lived like a lion on rare occasions. Pickles were the reason he didn't have a picket fence. His clothers were always spiffy, with not a spot or wrinkle in sight. Unlike his 999 year old grandma who was older than the lint in his couch. Best friends didn't work out for Bob, & neither did pep talks. He couldn't live without his iPod, even though he didn't have any songs on it. Bob always told people that he was a badass mamba jamba, even though he didn't know what that ment. Gullah Gullah Island is a show that nearly no one knows of, yet he found it as a classic & the most entertaining. He lived for the taste of a good cup of lemon juice & pumpkins were the best things to smash. He didn't want children, cause he thought they might just take over the world. Christmas was not important to Bob, for he hated presents. But most of all he never wore red boxers or spongbob PJ pants! :p

Over It

You said that you love me, then you walk away.
I thought that ment you cared, & wanted to stay.
Everything you told me all the lies, are the little things that take me by suprise.
Why do I need you?
I just can't forget, everything is what you ment.
I said I like you & it was actually true,
I wish I could say the same for you.
Even now, when you're not around, hearing your voice is my favorite sound.
We don't talk much, & you simply don't care, Baby where have you gone oh where?
Why do I want you?
I just can't forget, everything is what you ment.
I said I like you & it was actually true,
I wish I could say the same for you.
It's not suppose to be this way, you're not suppose to just walk away.
Losing you is something I cannot bare, I just want you to care.
Why did you leave, what did I do?
Was I honestly not good enough for you?
Why do I love you?
I just can't forget, everything is what you ment.
I said I like you & it was actually true,
I wish I could say the same for you.
Looking now & seeing what you've done, I realized what I've just become.
Single, & free of all your reins, I don't need you holding me back again.
I'm letting go, soaring free, cause baby you're not what I need.
I'm not giving up, I'm just beginging, a game that I intend on winning.
So go ahead & shut me out, cause baby you're not what love's about.
Why did I want you?
I'm breaking free,
nothing's what you mean to me.
When I said I liked you it was true,
but baby, let me tell ya, that's old news.
You're a jerk & I'm finally over you.

A Song (Yeah, I Write Those Too).

You're Fine-

Her bestfriend told her it would be alright, stayed on the phone while she cryed all night.
Told her she didn't deserve that, the boy didn't realize what he had.
Saying girl don't let your heart brake yet, surely he's not the best you've met.
One day I promise you will find love, it may take time but it will come.
Darling you're beautiful in every way, don't give this boy your heart to break.

They walk into school the very next day, trying to avoid what others say.
The questions & rumors nearly brake her down, she cries to herself when no one's around.
Katie finds her bestfriend with tears in her eyes, gives her a hug & says "please don't cry." Baby you are my very bestfriend, listen one more time, I'll tell you again;
Girl don't let your heart brake yet, surely he's not the best you've met.
One day I promise you will find love, it may take time but it will come.
Darling you're beautiful in every way, don't give this boy your heart to break.

People start talking & act like they know, yeah she's hurt but her feelings won't show.
She won't let herself break in front of her friends, but when she gets home it'll happen again.
Her eyes get filled with tears & she starts to cry, wonders why she fell so hard for this guy.
She sits on her bed in silence & all, but her phone starts to ring cause Katie's trying to call.
She answers the phone, & her bestfriend knows, something is wrong & her feelings show.
Katie tells her again this boy was a jerk, she put in all the time effort in work.
It's not her fault & she shouldn't be blamed, her friend doesn't deserve to be played like a game.
She speaks clearly & tells her friend "I love you so, listen close, cause here we go;"
Girl don't let your heart brake yet, surely he's not the best you've met.
One day I promise you will find love, it may take time but it will come.
Darling you're beautiful in every way, don't give this boy your heart to break.
You are my world, my everything, joy & happiness is what you bring.
One day he'll see that he lost all, he wasn't even man enough to give you a call.
He'll regret this dear, I know it's true, he just wasn't ready for a girl like you.
You don't see how great you really are, darling don't let him break your heart.

* haven't thought about this song in so long, but now that I think about it, it applies to nearly every guy I've ever dated, and it makes me feel a lot better. [:

Teenage Years.

There's way too much stress, not nearly enough rest.
New friends coming and old ones leaving.
They're changing everything that I'm believing.
Rumors spreading like a fatal disease,
many of which are affecting me.
So sick of the lies, the tears that I cry
the days I wish to die and how I feel inside.
Sick of the sleepless nights, the stupid family fights.
Just trying to forget all the pain
all the many weaknesses that I gain.
My life's coming to a strain,
feeling smaller than a spec of grain, going totaly insane
don't understand the thoughts rushing through my brain.
Hiding all my fears, the billions of tears, after all these years.
Wanting to be free like a dove, so I'm searching for love.
Nothing more, than approval from the one that I adore.
Too afraid to tell him how I feel, so caught between fantasy and what is real
nervous that he'll reject me, craving so much for him to protect me
needing his love now, I gotta tell him I love him
but the question is how?


Brandi Just Wants To Have Fun! :D

Type your name in my blog comments.
Once you do that, this is what I'll do for you:

1. I'll respond with something random about you.

2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.

3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.

4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
(If possible. If not, I'll just say something.)

5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.

6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.

7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.

8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.

9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.

10. If you play, you MUST post this on your blog.

Waste Your Time On Me.

Another old ass poem from deep ago:

Your eyes, so amazing.
Tthey twinkle in the light.
& when I look into them, I smile with delight.
Your face, carved be angels.
The most gorgeous of all.
I can't stare for to long, for fright I may fall.
Your smile, so beautiful,
when you laugh I do too
'Cause I can't help but be happy when I'm around you.
Your heart, so open, kind & glad,
to be away from you, it makes me so sad.
You don't realze how much,
I truly love you,
but if you give me the chance I'll show you I do!

If Only Things Went As Planned...

We're as tight as a knot and bound together
alothough we're still very young, we'll be best friends forever!
We have so many memories, even more to be made.
although we're far apart, our friendship will never fade.
we've come a very long way, you and I
I hope that our friendship will never die.
I'ts to special to forget, to amazing to end,
Meagen, I promise, we're besties 'til the end! ♥

P.S, this is an older poem as well. ;b

Because This STILL Makes Me Giggle.

"Brandice Miller is NOT an octopus, she does NOT eat vajina, but she IS a pregnet native american!" -Jared Morris

From Deep Ago.

This is old,
and probably the first poem I ever wrote -
so don't laugh. Dx

I love you, I love you.
baby, it's true.
I cheerish every moment I spend with you.
I wish I could tell you just how i feel,
but I'm caught between my fantasy & what is real.
You mean the world & more to me
one day, I swear, I'll make you see.
You take my breath away ever day
just when you look at me & wisper "Hey."
It's the little things that you do,
that make me fall more & more in love with you!

Make a wish, just for fun.
P.S, don't be shy, post your wish! [:

Pray For You

I pray your brakes go out, runnin' down a hill.
I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill,
and knocks you in the head, like I'd like to.
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls.
I pray you're flyin' high when your engine stalls.
I pray all your dreams never come true.
Just know wherever you are, honey, I pray for you.


Because I Love You

I wanna kiss you, from your head to your toes.
I wanna hold you, and never let go.
Press your lips closly to mine.
I think about you all the time.
You're the only thing that keeps me sane.
The only thought that fills my brain.
You've taken over my body and soul.
With you, I can see myself growing old.
Times are tough and things get broken.
But you never leave your mind unspoken.
You're quick to let all your feelings out,
you give me something to be happy about.
We sometimes bicker, and we have our fights,
but you always make sure that things are right.
You fix your mistakes and confess when you're wrong.
You're the one that I've needed all along.
I know I've hurt you, and you've hurt me too.
But somehow we manage to make it through.
The scars made by others are a thing of the past,
I love what we have, and I hope that it lasts.
I can't picture myself in a world without you,
if you ever left, I don't know what I'd do.
You've given me everything that I've dreamed of and more,
you're the one that I love, the one I adore.
I see potential in all that you do,
I see the best of me when I'm looking at you.



Maybe I hold onto your lies,
Maybe they're all truths in disguise.
Maybe I spend too much time wishing you'd care.
Maybe I waste the days wishing you were there.
Maybe it'd be better if you weren't around,
Maybe then, I'd spend much less time on the ground.
Maybe there's a reason behind the pain that I feel,
Maybe it's needed, just to know that you're real.
Maybe one day, my words will finally get through,
Maybe one day, I'll be good enough for you.
Maybe giving up is what's best for me.
Maybe letting go is exactly what I need.
Maybe in time, you'll change your ways,
or maybe, just maybe you'll stay the same.

Things I'll Never Say

You had your chance, but you said "No."
I gave you a shot, but you let go.
Do you want me to do the same?
Erase you from my heart, delete you from my brain.

The memories with you, taunt me all hours of the day.
And when I talk to you, I no idea what to say.
Things are the same and you don't want me.
So why do I let you hang around and let the past haunt me?
Maybe it's because love's so bitter sweet,
maybe it's because you were the best to me.
I miss your hugs and kisses, I miss your gentle touch,
now when you try to say "I love you", it all becomes too much.
I want to believe that things will be okay,
I also want to believe that you'll be mine one day.
But in a world, full of so many lies,
it's hard to tell if the truth is a mere lie in disguise.
Honestly, I'm scared, I have no idea what comes next.
I don't know what will happen, nor what to expect.
My heart is left broken, shattered like glass.
My memory is only of you, only of the past.
You are ready to give up, ready to let go.
Yet there's something left inside me, something called hope.
It keeps telling me to fight for you, to give this another shot.
But what do I have left to give since I've already given all I've got?

I think about you an unhealthy amount

Why is it that we tend to want the one person we know we can't have?
Why is it that we're willing to do so much for someone who's not willing to do a damn thing for us?
Why is it that no matter how many times someone hurts you, you always give them anyother chance to come back & completely destroy you?

Why is it that I think about you, when I know you're not thinking about me?
Why do I try so hard to make you realize that you mean the world to me, when it never even mattered?

Why is it that I know you don't want me, yet I still find myself craving your attention?
