Read It And Weap

I've got to spill my fucking guts somewhere,
it might as well be here.

If I Die Young

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song. ♥

Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Time.

The first time I talked to you, I knew you were something special. The first time I heard the sound of your beautiful voice, my heart was beating so fast, I could feel it jumping into my throat. The first time you told me you loved me, I knew that I loved you too and I didn't think anything would ever come between us. The first time I meant you, I couldn't even speak, because I was so nervous. But you thought that was cute. The first time you hugged me, my legs felt like jello, and I feared if you were to let go, I'd fall down. The first time you kissed me, I swear I could fly, time stopped and everything was perfect, and it's been that way every time after. When you asked me to be yours, I instantly said "Yes!" without any hesitation whatsoever. I felt like I finally had my missing puzzle piece and my life was complete. The first time you left, my whole world came crashing down. Everything was wrong and I thought I was going to vomit. I felt as though someone was punching me in the stomach, repeatedly, with no intention to stop. Come back, come back, save me from this horrid pain. Make everything okay again, stop me from going insane!

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