Read It And Weap

I've got to spill my fucking guts somewhere,
it might as well be here.

If I Die Young

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song. ♥

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lay It On Me

Answer/Tell Me Honestly:

1. Who are you?

2. How did we meet?

3. Give me a nickname & explain why you've chosen it.
(or if you've already given me one, put what it is & how I got it)

4. Describe me in one word.

5. What was your first impression of me?

6. Do you still feel the same way about me?

7. Could you ever love me?

8. If you could give me anything, what would it be?

9. What song reminds you of me?

10. If you could take me anywhere in the entire world, where would you take me?

11. Have you ever wanted to tell me something, but couldn't?

12. What do you hate about me?

13. What do you love about me?

14. Will you post this on your blog to see what people have to say about you?

15. Anything you have to say to me before you  go?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Samantha Jo'Lynn Douglas.
    2. MySpace. ;p
    3. Bwannni. You just did! Haha.
    4. EPIC.
    5. Goofy, nice, you seemed like a cool cat.
    6. Yes!
    7. I do love you! :D
    8. Happiness, and a guy that won't hurt you.
    9. I'm not quite sure.
    10. My pants. (;
    11. Nah.
    12. Nothing I can think of.
    13. How you're always cheerful, and can put a smile on anybody's face.
    14. Eh, probably not. Haha.
